Save time by automating your processes with AI

We help you automate the most repetitive tasks, so your teams can focus on high-value actions.

Contactez-nous pour une consultation gratuite

Nos Services

Audit, Cartographie & Conseils

Nous réalisons un audit de votre structure en menant des entretiens avec vos équipes pour établir une cartographie de votre organisation.

Quelles que soient vos décisions sur la suite de votre projet, l'audit constituera une base essentielle pour l'implémentation de la solution.

  • Cartographie des workflows
  • Synthèse des besoins
  • Rédaction d'une feuille de route sous forme de lots
  • Recommandations d'outils et d'automatisations
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Développement, Implémentation de la solution

Nous concevons et mettons en œuvre l'application métier répondant aux enjeux identifiés lors de l'analyse. Nous veillons à assurer d'une intégration réussie de cette solution innovante au sein de vos équipes, avec un accompagnement au changement et la mise en place d'un support gratuit le premier mois..

  • Base de données
  • Développement d'interfaces.
  • Automatisations simples à complexes
  • Support personnalisé.
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Discover our solutions

HR Automations

Managinghuman resources can be a complex task that requires time and effort.What if you could automate essential aspects of this process to freeup time and improve the efficiency of your HR team?

  • Automated tracking of PTO
  • Automated scheduling of job interviews
  • Optimized management of recruitment campaigns
  • Automated tracking of performance evaluations

Finance / Accounting Automations

In finance and accounting, it's challenging to juggle all the tasks and data involved. However, imagine if you could streamline and automate key aspects of these processes?

  • Automated export of accounting data
  • Automated client payment reminders
  • Simplification of cash management
  • Automated generation of financial reports

Automation of your business processes & low value-added tasks

"Any action that an employee performs several times a day, and brings nothing to the company, must be automated.".
This is the motto by which we live, and in the era of AI, this is even more true. We set up complete automation systems for you using APIs and external software to save you time.

  • Make
  • N8N

Marketing Automation

When you're a business, you have to make a lot of effort to have effective marketing. Recruiting salespeople, making calls, sending emails, running ads... All these actions are time-consuming, but what if you could automate them?

  • Automation of your newsletters from creation to sending
  • Automatic management of your content schedule
  • Tracking your marketing campaigns by automatically updating KPIs
  • Writing and sending your email marketing sequences automatically thanks to AI

Operational Automations

Every day, your teams are faced with multiple operational tasks that require constant attention. Coordinating operations, managing your suppliers, tracking deliveries... These are all essential elements for the success of your business. But, imagine for a moment if you could automate them?

  • Automating supplier management
  • Real-time tracking of deliveries
  • Automated inventory management
  • Automated sending of orders to your suppliers
  • Automated management of your shipments
  • Optimization of project and team management

They say it best

Pierre Rossinès

Delighted to have worked with Mathieu, who supported us in implementing IaC at IMPACT+. Mathieu was responsive, very available, and enabled us to accelerate this transition towards a better-designed architecture. Looking forward to working with you again, Mathieu!

Jean-Marc Reca

I have the pleasure of working with Mathieu as an expert with the researchers at EDF Lab. His expertise is sharp, his communication pleasant. It's a great asset to be able to work together and deliver quality results, on time and closely aligned with the expressed needs. I highly recommend!

Victor Sagon

Another great mission with Mathieu. Extremely responsive, he understands the business and technical challenges to adapt the service according to our needs and advise us. He managed to implement everything that was planned during the kick-off on time. I highly recommend and we will work with Mathieu again!

Kevin Janiky

I had the pleasure of working with Mathieu on the implementation of our cloud infrastructure at ncScale, where I am the CTO. We needed to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on AWS as well as an entire infrastructure - API Gateways, RDS databases, test environments, SQS queues, OpenSearch, etc. Mathieu was extremely helpful throughout the project. He made relevant suggestions and effectively challenged our technological choices in a constructive manner.

Camille Lamoureux

Mathieu supported us in the redesign of our application infrastructure. He took into account our specifications and needs, verified with us that the proposed solution would fit well. In the end, we had a complete documentation of what had been implemented (which is becoming rare in the field!). He showed extraordinary patience and incredible pedagogy, taking the time to explain the various necessary concepts and answer all our questions. After the mission? Always present, pleasant, and quick when we needed him!

Christophe Varin
IUT de la roche sur yon

Mathieu was able to bring his technical expertise to innovative pedagogy in the English module he was responsible for within a Professional Bachelor's Degree. He is motivated and makes himself available!

Nathalie Poiroux
Lycée Ste Marie Du Port

We were very satisfied with his intervention for the replacement of our network administrator. We also requested audits that were carried out and improved our IT service. We recommend the services of Mr. Mathieu Perochon.

Contact us for all your projects involving

Cloud Hosting
Cloud Migration
infrastructure optimization
Process automatisation
Cloud Hosting

In less than 30 minutes, Mathieu or Virginie will analyze your needs and tell you if our different offers can meet your requirements.


Qu'est-ce qui est entendu par "automatisation" ?

L'automatisation de processus informatiques est une approche puissante et innovante qui consiste à utiliser des technologies et des solutions d'automatisation pour rationaliser, optimiser et accélérer les tâches répétitives et chronophages au sein d'une entreprise. Cette automatisation vise à remplacer les opérations manuelles par des processus automatisés, ce qui permet de réduire les risques d'erreur et d'améliorer l'efficacité globale des workflows informatiques.

Dans le monde de l'informatique, l'automatisation des processus est devenue une étape cruciale pour de nombreuses entreprises. En utilisant des outils d'automatisation intelligente, les entreprises peuvent non seulement comprendre les processus existants, mais aussi identifier les opportunités d'automatisation afin d'améliorer la productivité et d'optimiser les ressources.

Les avantages de l'automatisation de processus informatiques sont nombreux. Tout d'abord, elle permet de libérer les employés de tâches fastidieuses, leur permettant ainsi de se concentrer sur des tâches à plus forte valeur ajoutée et favorisant l'innovation. En automatisant les processus, les entreprises peuvent réduire considérablement les risques d'erreur humaine, ce qui améliore la qualité et la précision des résultats.

L'automatisation des processus informatiques peut également contribuer à l'amélioration de la satisfaction client, en permettant des délais de traitement plus courts et en offrant une meilleure réactivité aux demandes et aux besoins des clients.

Par ailleurs, l'automatisation des processus d'entreprise peut être mise en œuvre à différentes étapes du cycle de travail, allant de l'acquisition de données à la prise de décision. Les solutions d'automatisation peuvent être utilisées pour automatiser les tâches simples comme les processus plus complexes, offrant ainsi une solution globale pour améliorer les performances de l'entreprise.